little girl growing fast

IMG_6413.JPGAs I mentioned earlier, I am a new dad. (well, for almost 2 months now πŸ™‚ )

Our little girl is growing at a mind boggling rate, gaining a staggering 200 grams per week! πŸ™‚ Since she was rather much underweight when she was born, she’s on a fast track to make good on her weight, on average, a baby should weigh about 4 kilograms when he/she reaches 2 months, right now, for Femke, that is 2 weeks away. Since she weighed 3500 grams as of yesterday, and she gains more then 200 grams per week, she should only be 100 grams behind schedule when she is 2 months old.

Otherwise, she’s a blessing, she sleeps all night most nights, and almost never cries at night. (she does all of that during the daytime – if at all).

So far, so good πŸ™‚

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